EPS is an infinitely lasting material. Despite this, it is seen that it is claimed that EPS disappears over time where it is used. The truth of the matter is as follows: If EPS is applied in the right place, in the right thickness and density, in accordance with building physics and construction rules, there is no such thing as material destruction. On the other hand, if EPS is used at a low density (for example, 10 kg/m3) under pressure in a hot area (for example, on a terrace roof), due to lack of knowledge or due to cheap prices, EPS will soften and be crushed under the influence of heat and pressure, causing the layers above it to collapse. In such places, high density (minimum 14-16 kg/m3) EPS should be used. As a matter of fact, samples taken from places around the world where EPS was applied 30-40 years ago prove that no change has occurred in EPS.